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来源:中新网云南 编辑:刘宸羽 2024年05月21日 09:04


  Spanning a thousand years and stretching across thousands of miles, join us in retracing the ancient Tea Horse Road - the world’s highest, most treacherous, and longest route that is still trodden by people and horses to this day - on our journey “in the clouds”. Along the way, we’ll check in at renowned scenic spots!


  From May 20 to 29, the 2024 "Making Yunnan Tea Known Around the World": Promotion of Chinese (Yunnan) Tea Culture in Europe takes place in Paris and Lyon, France; Brussels, Belgium and Rome, Italy with the theme of "A Beautiful Life: Appreciation and Sharing"。


  The "Cultural China - Colorful Yunnan" short videos are divided into three series, namely "Feng", "Ya" and "Song" of Yunnan Tea, with a total of 60 videos, aiming to explain to the world the concept of "Harmony in Diversity" and to convey the sincerity of "Exchanges and Mutual Learning" by showcasing the scenery of tea mountains in Yunnan, the brewing techniques of tea production and the unique ethnic tea culture。

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